I would very much like to thank Countdown to Halloween for once again hosting a delightful grouping of inspired Halloween blogs, a much needed respite from the flurry of 2020, it can’t have been easy for the new hosts of the Countdown and they’ve earned commendation and appreciation for their efforts 😉
I received more than I gave this year and many thanks and much gratitude to all of the wonderful blogs that rose to occasion and offered excitement, frivolity and magic.
I was standing outside that night, observing the full moon when it appeared from behind dark clouds determined to keep the lights on until 10pm. I listened to music playing in the distance and watched the lights flicker and gut inside the jacks displayed around the yard delighted we’d been able to find some fiendish folly to enjoy – hesitant to extinguish the light against the late hour and the passing of another Eve. I look forward to what beguilements will tempt us and til then….
“Stroll with me beneath the Moon,
for surely, They’ll be coming soon
to share with us the deepening gloom,
upon the Hallowe’en.
Fellow Revelers walk this Night,
as They awake from yearly plight
deprived til now of sweet delight,
upon the Hallowe’en.
Mischievousness the only goal,
for these few hours on parole.
And none but They could be so droll
upon the Hallowe’en.
Sorry am I that They must wait,
upon the Eve to cross the gate.
Alas that is Their yearly Fate,
upon the Hallowe’en.
All too soon the Night will fade,
and All shall pass into the Shade
to wait upon the next parade,
upon the Hallowe’en.
Perhaps you’ll stroll with me once more,
when Gate stands wide and Spirits tour.
No other sight stir’s my hearts core,
upon the Hallowe’en.
~ Moonlit Revel by A.E. (repost from 2016)