Oh Halloween!


When autumn slowly cools the earth,
preparing all for winter’s dearth
When sun retires into eve,
and children hasten to believe
They walk among a fiendish throng,
scoundrels sent from some beyond
That chilling time, that in between,
tis revelry called Halloween
Oh Halloween!  That haunted night,
when myth and mysteries alight
From rotted grave and crumbling tomb,
when werewolves howl at the moon
When monsters shriek and goblins glare,
upon we mortals unaware
Ghouls seeking souls to mangle,
spiders thick with webs a tangle
Throaty moans from shadowed source,
a ghostly harmony perforce
Witches decked in full attire,
surely plotting something dire
Zombies drifting here and there,
vampire bats fly everywhere
Candles aflame in graveyard beds,
jealous of moon glow overhead
That lights the way for coming hordes,
youngsters armed with lighted gourds
With widened eyes they yet advance,
tempting spectral circumstance
rebelliously seeking pleasure,
they all resist in barest measure
Of trepidation, fear or fright,
they know not these upon this night
They hold accord with all Unseen,
this haunted night, this Halloween!

By A. E.



Background music is Lullaby by Nox Arcana

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