Mixing at Midnight

Ooo the sights and sounds of Hallowe’en approach.

There is something about the heightened senses we have in the dark, when our ears catch the slightest murmur, whisper or groan.

We all listen for that far-off cry of the werewolf, the howls under moonlight, the shuffle of a zombie approach or the soft fluttering of darkened wings overhead.

This season calls for musical mise-en-scene, those rhapsodic melodies to indulge our cravings, tempt our secret soul and evoke fond recollections and surprised delight.

I humbly offer these thirty-one collected tunes to enchant your ears.



4 thoughts on “Mixing at Midnight

  1. Lady M says:

    Great Playlist – I have not heard some of these.

  2. Tee says:

    Love the music, thank you!

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