The ‘Eve Approaches

Eve of the ‘Eve

Harried preparation

Porchlights all a-glare

Breath held in expectation

Of whom we hope to scare


Pleased anticipation

Is the order of the night.

Waiting on congregation

As capriciousness takes flight


Necksore from constant craning

We side eye here and there

Glad that it’s not raining

On the Haunt we want to share


Footfalls drawing nearer

Ears prickle at the sound

Rustles of hustled furor

Echoed through the ground


What gathering of stitches

represent the costume trends?

Is it a group of witches?

Or super hero friends?


Is that a ghostly meeting

In the yard just down the bend?

Or perhaps just soggy sheeting

Drying in the wind


Alas it’s just a lone dog

Not werewolves on parade

Just dry leaves scraping sidewalks

And not a zombie raid


It’s just the neighbor’s car alarm

And not a banshee shrieking

No haunted house but backdoor

That’s making such a creaking


Is that a bubbling witches brew

assailing my senses?

Or just the smoke of burning jack’o’s

sat upon some fences.


Pinecones dropped at random

Aren’t spiders on attack

Not thrills but chills in tandem

Cause those shivers down my back


Patience sorely tested

Spirits wait for their reprieve

Sure to end up fete and fested

On this eve of Hallows Eve

-a.e. (Revision)


Malevolent mischief needs a playlist…

Did you hear that….?  Those sounds far off in the darkness?  That beautiful melody leading you on?  Are those lilting strains the plucks of a tortured soul, a winsome witch-call, a shudder of delight or a ghoulish mumble?  If you’re like me, you will follow those sounds to their source, and enjoy every moment of musical mischief you find.  Please sample these 31 gathered tunes, I hope they hold you spellbound…

Mixing at Midnight

Ooo the sights and sounds of Hallowe’en approach.

There is something about the heightened senses we have in the dark, when our ears catch the slightest murmur, whisper or groan.

We all listen for that far-off cry of the werewolf, the howls under moonlight, the shuffle of a zombie approach or the soft fluttering of darkened wings overhead.

This season calls for musical mise-en-scene, those rhapsodic melodies to indulge our cravings, tempt our secret soul and evoke fond recollections and surprised delight.

I humbly offer these thirty-one collected tunes to enchant your ears.



The Apothecary Witch

Cauldrons leave you maudlin?

Can’t handle coal or candle?

Is there perhaps, no craft in your drafts?

On tenterhooks from bulky books?

Got no notions of potions, perplexed by a hex?

In pains from tisanes, simples just too complex?

Whether extract, elixir, infusion or tipple,

tonic or essence or tincture or ripple.

She fixes your mixes, she’ll simmer and stew,

she’ll bubble your troubles away in her brews.

Do pesky beaus bother? Do grey hairs persist?

A cure for ague that you wish to resist?

Is it romance you seek, is it fortune you crave?

Her prowess is awesome, her customers rave.

Her prices are steep, but your problems she’ll heed

with skill and discretion – results guaranteed.

(Excerpt from The Apothecary Witch, by A.E.)


Counting Days…

I have always been fond of Friday the 13th, and as today is the only remaining one of 2021, I thought perhaps it would be prudent to make the most of it and make a witch-wish of the Season ahead.  It is now 78 days until Halloween, I see decor and display going up – though the Summer sun still beats a loud thrum.  As though the very act of adornment would truncate the heated weather and summon the cooling wisps of autumn through the trees.  Well, I suppose it’s a “gather ye pumpkins while ye may” idea.  I don’t mind – it’s lovely to see and experience, as it is lovely to anticipate and propagate.  I wish you all well in your lead-up to Fall, and if you pass by a fountain or well, make a wish of your own…


A Hundred Eve’s


Sometimes it can feel like Halloween is just around the corner, sometimes it can feel like a long walk just begun.  I feel that now as the warm weather beats down and the feeling of a cool breeze is just a memory from a long-ago winter.  Wait.  What is that I see in the distance?  It beckons and guides me.  It flits about in the wilderness.  A lightning bug? Some phosphorescent lichen?  The glowing form of some ancient wood dweller?  Hmm.  I don’t know what it is but I will keep heading towards it.  The light is a wonder, a bedevilment, an enchantment of the senses.  I yearn to be surrounded by such a light and I will gladly endure a hundred eves to get to where it awaits me.  I will wait for you there.


Image – Artist unknown.

Minutes til Midnight


I am watching my clock countdown the minutes until this 31st dwindles down to moments and memories.  There were a few memorable quirks to the day and the evening, I hope you can all say the same.  As the tomb shuts on this Hallow’s Eve, I draw a final breath of cinnamon stick candle wafting up from the scorched insides of gutted gourds, I gather the crinkled remains of candy skins in their bright coverings shriveled and torn, destined for the recycle bin, and take a long last look up and down the street as porch lights dim, jackos darken and light shows blink and die.  I sigh, shrug my shoulders, turn and close the door behind me.  The house goes dark and here I am at the keyboard…already thinking about Halloween 2018 – I wonder what that escapade will reveal?  So much to plan and plot and ply, as the season passes by…so quickly, much too quickly this year.  Thanks to all of you who stopped to look around this blog, more thanks to Countdown to Halloween for highlighting another great batch of blogs this year, always so much fun to see what others are up to.  I will poke through the leftover candy and ponder…mmmmm….Junior Mints! Rest In Peace Halloween 2017.  I will remember you fondly.