…and it’s back…Falloween begins…



…at last!  It’s time to drag out, dust off, plan and prep and post.  The weather may belie the Season, but for those of you tuning in you’ve been at the bit awhile now (as myself) just waiting for the calendar to flip over and for August to close on another heady Summer.  Fall is here, even if the barometer says otherwise.  In an effort to create some sort of weekly connectivity for this blog I’ve decided to go with weekly readings of some writing I’ve been working on.  If all goes as planned, they will take us all the way through October, hope you can tag along.  I’ll be signing up again with Countdown to Halloween, look for the badge and link coming soon, its a great way to visit other blogs through the season, as well as the usual miscellany to be found here, now I gotta go de-bubble wrap something…